Donkey and Chicken
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General information
Written by: A. Lee
Donkey and Chicken is the ninth track from Amy Lee's children's album, Dream Too Much.
Amy's father, John Lee, sings the part "Hey, where are you?" in the song.
Studio versions:
Donkey and Chicken
- Recording date: 2016
- Status: Released
- Released on: Dream Too Much (track #9)
- Length: 1:23
A donkey and a chicken
Set out on a mission
To open up the barnyard gate
The donkey and the chicken
Found out what they'd be missin'
But not without a tragic twist of fate
Ice cream! Ice cream!
Sweet, sticky, glorious ice cream
Ice cream! Ice cream!
The tastiest treat in the world
They chewed and they chomped
They kicked and they stomped
They ate and they ate some more
They had so much fun
But when it was done
Their bellies were terribly sore
The donkey and the chicken
Unfortunately sickened
Heard the farmer call them home (Hey, where are you?)
But so much they had eaten
They couldn't even meet him
And had to sleep on the side of the road
The end
The music video is available exclusively on Amazon Prime in the US region.[1]