
From The Evanescence Reference

General info

gt is a member of the Greek Fan Club for Evanescence,, also known under the nickname gt_for_evmusic. He's born and living in Athens, Greece and writes for himself in the third person.

He's also the moderator for the greek branch of the Evanescence Reference.

Major contributions

  • The Greek part of The Evanescence Reference (Main Page, Templates and articles included)
  • Athens (Created and edited the whole article)
  • Evanescence iPod (Wrote the whole article and uploaded the iPod image)
  • Good Enough (Wrote the video chapter and added a photograph)
  • Through Her Eyes (Started the new page and created the original text)
  • designs
  • Photos from the EvConcerts in Greece in 2004 and 2007

Favorite EvSongs (random order)