User talk:DhammaSeeker

From The Evanescence Reference
Revision as of 16:37, 16 January 2007 by Eacz12 (talk | contribs)


Hi,..are the References enabled?? Armando.O (talk|contribs) 08:46, 16 January 2007 (PST)

I'm a mediawiki n00b. Can you please link to a page describing them or explaining how to enable then and I'll happily do that if it's not a security risk. --DhammaSeeker 14:54, 16 January 2007 (PST)
I know how to use references and I could copy the citing templates from Wikipedia, but I don't know how to enable them cuz I've never had a wiki :S
Here's the Wikipedia page of the references. [ Wikipedia:References] Armando.O (talk|contribs) 15:37, 16 January 2007 (PST)
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