User talk:MyImmortalLove4u

From The Evanescence Reference

Thanks for editing Justice and Beauty in Darkness :D EvanescenceGirl 18:38, 8 August 2008 (UTC)

Well, I do what I can! lol kiss* EvanescenceGirl 18:38, 8 August 2008 (UTC)

Italian language

Hi.. You can do that.. you can start translating, create new pages with the same title in english, but, at the ending, add "/it".. example.. if you wanna start translating the main page.. go to the english Main page ( and then type in the adress bar "/it" ( then it will show you a message saying "There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page", now you can clic on EDIT button, and start doing it.. you can copy the source code from the english one, and start replacing words... please, check out the source codes from the other languages (like spanish) and you'll see how you should do it..

Thanks for your help..

--Gerard Armando 13:44, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Translating problem..

Hi! I'm really sorry I copuldn't answer to your question.. it's been a lont time since you asked, but i was off..

If you still have the same problem, please let me know..

--Gerard Armando 14:23, 15 October 2008 (UTC)

Italian language

Hi, please, could you change the pages/links you've created with the title in italian?.. example.. in the main page,''Tutto_dalla_A_alla_Z''&action=edit&redlink=1

Please, all the pages, i know it's a little bit time-consuming, but it's a better way for making The EvRef better..

thank you

--Gerard Armando 14:51, 15 October 2008 (UTC)

I alreadi fixed some links.. so, after editing the links, you just have to move the pages.. how?.. well, you go to the page and click on the tab MOVE, so you type the exact title in english, adding the "/it".. example.. i moved the CANZONI page..

--Gerard Armando 15:00, 15 October 2008 (UTC)

I've already created the template Songs/it... you can use that one.. --Gerard Armando 19:13, 18 October 2008 (UTC)


I believe so. I don't know why, but for some reason the coding for the images was spilling over into the next categories and not lining up at all with the text. Maybe it's just in firefox, but it looked bad. Perhaps just a text version would suffice?


Hello My Immortal. You and I have run into each other on talk pages for a little bit and I just wanted to say hello. Seems like you and I are some of the more active members on here so I just thought I'd introduce myself. :)

~ Evanescent User:Evanescent.Night

Well I do edit a lot of the pages created by you Italian and Portuguese fans. ;D

In fact, I just redid the entire page on the VSQ's tribute to Ev...

So, question time! Favorite Ev song ever??

My friend is actually going to give me some Sirenia songs so I'll be listening to them soon. :)

Favorite Evanescence cover??

Also, do you know if Armando and Gya... (I don't know how to type it) are active that much??

And Matty, Sparky, and I have done a lot of work on the Third Album page. Please check it out.

Feel free to join our discussion in the talk page. I don't bite. I just get really hyper and crazy. :)

We could use your help and ideas.

Dude, when I changed that, it wasnt leaked (it isnt actually!). I was just obeying the EC rules, which clearly state that we must not leak content. And Perfect Dream isn't leaked yet! No one talks about it but evclubbers. And if you're on evclub please dont leak content, im just following the rules!!!

Have a good day, Fran. PS: im new do i dunno if this is the irhgt place to reply but i dont care bye PEACE OUT